Friday, March 04, 2011

Win Win

There are few places in film and television history that have highlighted collegiate/folk wrestling in all of its potential drama and glory. It seems the best of those moments died in the 80s somewhere between Loudin Swain's last minute lat-drop against Shoot and A.C. Slater's match against Valley High's Marvin Nedick.

Hitting theaters on March, 18, Win Win has the potential to dethrone Vision Quest as a cult wrestling favorite. Tom McCarthy, the writer behind Up (2009) and The Visitor (2007) gives us the story of a struggling attorney, Mike Flaherty (Paul Giamatti) who moonlights as a high school wrestling coach. Flaherty serendipitously stumbles upon a star wrestler (played by Alex Shaffer, NJ State Wrestling Champion) and sees an opportunity to help his team and his career.

Go see it.

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